Friday, December 31, 2021

Snow pillows at Valley View yesterday morning, Yosemite Valley [2000x3000] [OC]

Great Sand Dunes National Park [OC] [4032x3024]

Big Sur - Keyhole Arch [OC][2000x3000]

Milky Way from a cave on the coast of Australia [2000x2500][OC]

Lower Antelopes, Arizona [2268 x 3569] OC

Morning view from Mangart saddle, Slovenia (OC)(3611x2500)

A Valley for Giants — Glacier National Park, Montana, USA [OC] [4032 x 2268]

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Tail of the Milky Way rising over some plains in Australia [OC] {7952x5304}

[OC] Hidden Lake, Glacier National Park, Montana, USA [4048x3036]

Full Moon over Ship Rock [oc] [6146x3159]

A crisp evening in Banff. (OC) (3616x5423)

The Northern Lights on the Minnesota North Shore [OC] [4998x6247]

Bryce Canyon covered in fresh snow - this looks like a daylight photo, but is actually a 2 minute exposure taken at night during a full moon [2003x3000] [OC]

The center of our galaxy rising over some mountains in Colorado [OC] [4626 X 3648]

Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs [OC] [4032x3024]

Layers of hills at sunset in Santa Barbara, California [OC] [2250 × 3000]

"Sacred Passage" - Ogilvie Mountains - [OC] [1920x1357]

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Lake Colchuck, Leavenworth, Washington [OC] [4608 x 3455]

Milky Way rising over "alien eggs" in Northern California [2000x2996] [OC]

Rainforest in Rincon de la Vieja National Park, Costa Rica [4000 x 6000] [OC]

Milky Way and "Lake Smoke" in Northern Minnesota [OC] [2262x2827]

Late to the Dance. Yosemite National Park, California, 2019. [OC] [6016x4016]

Angel Falls, Venezuela. 1060x680 OC

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

October storm passing over the Grand Canyon. [OC] [5220x3480]

Torres Del Paine - Parque National Torres Del Paine - Chile [3268 x 4895] [OC]

Clear days in December are rare here | OC | Mt. Hood, OR | 2000x2469

Full moon setting over snow-covered mountains opposite a sunrise in Colorado - unmodified photo [OC] [4000x3000]

An explosion of colours in the Swiss Alps [OC] @doeeme [3840x4800]

Crawling into a nook and finding inspiration. Utah, USA. [oc][1080x1350] @natureprofessor

Monday, December 27, 2021

Bizarre spire rising out of the desolate badlands of Utah captured during a spectacular sunset [OC] [2000x3000]

Behind and below a frozen waterfall, Maligne Canyon, AB, Canada (OC)(6000x3376)

Olympic Mountains from Hurricane Ridge - Olympic Nat'l Park, WA. [OC][4032x2268]

Snowdon/ Crib Goch, Wales, UK [4608x3456]

Changing Layers. The Fisher Towers and the La Sal Mountains, Utah. [4030x2414] OC

It is crazy cold in Sweden, Småland now. On my way to our “summer” cabin [OC][6000x4000]

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Went on a Christmas Day hike. Definitely worse ways to spend Christmas: Gordale Scar, Yorkshire Dales, England, UK [OC] [6000x4000]

Ice Cave in Iceland Dec’21 [OC][2982x3995]

San Rafael Waterfall in Ecuador (this is gone forever, story in comments) [1920x1280] [OC]

Just got too many of these sunset shots from the last eruption in Iceland [OC] [1806x2048] - IG: @glacionaut

Benham Falls in Bend, OR. 12/14/21 [OC] [3000x400]

Yuba River, Tahoe National Forest, California, US - ig: greezy_fizeek [3024x4032] [OC]

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Don't forget to appreciate the small stuff. Tahoe National Forest, California, US. ig: greezy_fizeek [OC] [3000x2400]

Canyon Itaimbezinho, RS, Brasil. [oc] 3024x4032

Rolwaling Range in The Himalayas, Nepal {OC} [8192*4608]

Snowy Maligne Lake, Jasper [OC][3958x4948][IG @wagstaffmedia]

Trees on a foggy Christmas morning. Kurokawa Onsen, Japan [OC] 3200x2400

Eroding ancient sand dunes. Torrey, Ut [7247 x 3258][OC]

Tangalle, Sri Lanka. [OC] [3000 x 4000]